
Does WEX Inc. contact my provider for documentation?

Due to HIPAA regulations, providers should only speak to the account holder. WEX Inc. does […]

What type of documentation is required for reimbursement?

According to IRS guidelines, all claims submitted through Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) must be substantiated […]

Can I use my FSA to pay for Over-the-Counter (OTC) products?

Effective 1/1/20, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are eligible for reimbursement from the FSA without a prescription. […]

Can I claim the fees I pay to my family member through the Dependent Care FSA?

The dependent care fees you pay to your relatives may be eligible for reimbursement through […]

Are prepayments eligible for reimbursement?

Prepayments are not eligible for reimbursement. You are eligible to be reimbursed once the service […]

Are insurance premiums eligible for reimbursement?

Insurance premiums are not eligible for reimbursement through the FSA plans.

Where can I find a list of eligible expenses?

WEX Inc. provides a list of eligible expenses for reference on our website at […]

Will my spouse or dependent be able to obtain account information?

We take your protected health information (PHI) seriously and prioritize compliance with HIPAA laws. We […]

What are the ways that I can access my account?

To access your account, we have two user-friendly options; IU Benefits Mobile App and our […]

Can I change or cancel my FSA after I have made my election?

Your election in the FSA is irrevocable. You cannot make a change in your election […]